






性别 学历 博士
学位 博士 职称 教授
部门 教师发展中心 单位 物理学院
联系方式 zfxu@xjtu.edu.cn


· 教授、博士生导师,现任教师教学发展中心主任、激光与粒子束科学技术研究所所长,曾任西安交通大学本科生院副院长、教务处处长、创新创业学院院长。国家级教学名师,国务院政府特殊津贴专家,陕西省教学名师,陕西省首届特支计划领军人才。曾获第八届霍英东教育基金会青年教师奖,陕西高校优秀青年教师标兵称号等荣誉。主持国家级教学成果二等奖1项、省级教学成果特等奖2项,国家级精品资源共享课程,国家级一流课程,教育部课程思政示范课程、教学名师和团队等。主持国家自然科学基金项目4项、教育部和陕西省重点攻关教改项目8项,发表论文被SCI收录百余篇,主编出版教材、教学辅导书10余部。

· 2015.08 日本物质材料研究机构和丰田工业大学合作研究

· 2015.06 日本北海道大学和理化研究所访问交流

· 2014.06 英国曼彻斯特大学访问交流

· 2014.02 美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(UC- Berkeley) 访问学者

· 2012.08 德国达姆工大和重离子研究中心合作研究

· 2009.03德国重离子研究中心(GSI)合作研究

· 2005.06 - 2007.05 中科院近代物理研究所兰州重离子加速器国家实验室 博士后

· 2004.08 - 2005.01 美国伊利诺伊大学(UIUC)访问学者

· 1992.06 - 2004.04 西安交通大学获理学博士、西安交通大学理学院,助教、讲师、副教授、教授

· 1989.08 - 1992.06 兰州大学现代物理系,获理学硕士

· 1985.08 - 1989.07 西北师范大学物理系,获理学学士


· 低能电子碰撞动力学;

· 离子与物质相互作用(涉及与高荷电离子相关的材料科学、表面物理、原子分子物理、低能核天体物理等);

· 核物理及技术


· 国家课程思政示范课程、课程思政教学名师,2021,国家级,教育部

· 陕西省高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖,陕西省教育厅,特等奖


· 新时代西部高校教师教学发展体系建设研究,21JSD022021-08-04 2023-06-30, 纵向,主持

· (e3e)氦原子 双电离电子关联效应的全空间微分散射截面实验研究, 119742722020-01-01 2023-12- 31,纵向,参与

· 电子与分子吸附解离过程中氢-氘同位素效应研究,118752192019-01-01 2022-12-31,纵向,主持


1. Ultrafast energy transfer between π-stacked aromatic rings upon inner-valence ionization. Xueguang Ren, Jiaqi Zhou, Enliang Wang, Tao Yang, Zhongfeng Xu, Nicolas Sisourat, Thomas Pfeifer & Alexander Dorn, Nat. Chem. 14, 232–238 (2022).

2. Brilliant circularly polarized gamma-ray sources via single-shot laser plasma interaction, Yu Wang, Mamutjan Ababekri, Feng Wan, Qian Zhao, Chong Lv, Xue-Guang Ren, Zhong-Feng Xu, Yong-Tao Zhao, and Jian-Xing Li Optics Letters, 47 (13), 3355, (2022)

3. Signatures of linear Breit Wheeler pair production in polarized γ-γ collisions, Qian Zhao, Liang Tang, Feng Wan, Bo-Chao Liu, Ruo-Yu Liu, Rui-Zhi Yang, Jin-Qing Yu, Xue-Guang Ren, Zhong-Feng Xu, Yong-Tao Zhao, Yong-Sheng Huang, and Jian-Xing Li, Physical Review D, 105 (7), L071902, (2022)

4. Experimental determination of atomic alignment of 42Mo, 48Cd, and 49In with differential x-ray intensity ratios by 100250-keV proton impact, Xing Wang, Xuan Liu, Zhongfeng Xu, Jieru Ren, Yongtao Zhao, Rui Cheng, Yu Lei, Yanhong Chen, Yu Liu, Xianming Zhou, and Xiaoan Zhang, Physical Review A, 105 (5) 052807, (2022)

5. Generation of arbitrarily polarized muon pairs via polarized e-e+ collision, Zhi-Wei Lu, Qian Zhao, Feng Wan, Bo-Chao Liu, Yong-Sheng Huang, Zhong-Feng Xu, and Jian-Xing Li, Physical Review D, 105 (11), 113002, (2022)

6. On the deformation of spherical Au nanoparticles by slow highly charged Xe ions, Xing Wang, Yitong Liu, Zhongfeng Xu, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 201 (1), 110455, (2022)

7. Theoretical study on the formation mechanisms of CH3+ from doubly charged benzene, Y. Li, M. Li, T. Yang, Y. Wang, S. Jia, X. Liu, Z. Xu, Chemical Physics, (503), 111358, (2021)

8. Formation of H3O+ in the Ionization and Fragmentation of Ethanol Induced by Electron Beam Irradiation, Chao Ma, Jiaqi Zhou, Enliang Wang, Tao Yang, Zhongfeng Xu, Shaokui Jia, Alexander Dorn, and Xueguang Ren, LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, 6616439, (2021)

9. Propagation of Optical Vortices in a Nonlinear Atomic Medium with Photonic Band Gap, Zhaoyang Zhang, Danmeng Ma, Yiqi Zhang, Mingtao Cao, Zhongfeng Xu, Yanpeng Zhan, 2017-03-03, Optics Letters

10. On the angular dependence of L X-ray intensity ratios for Au following photoionization, Xing Wang, Zhongfeng Xu, Ying Zhang, 2016-12-18, Radiation Physics and Chemistry

11. Control on Surface Plasmon Polaritons Propagation Properties by Continuously Moving a Nanoparticle along a Silver Nanowire Waveguide, Fan Wu, Wenhui Wang, Jiaojiao Hua, Zhongfeng Xu, Fuli Li, 2016-11-22, Scientific Reports

12. Influence of symmetry breaking degrees on surface plasmon polaritons propagation in branched silver nanowire waveguides, Jiaojiao Hua, Fan Wu, Zhongfeng Xu, Wenhui Wang, 2016-09-28, Scientific Reports

13. Angular dependence of L X-rays emission for Ag by 10 keV electron-impact, Xing Wang, Zhongfeng Xu, Ying Zhang, Chao Ma, Chengwei Zhu, 2016-08-01, Radiation Physics and Chemistry

14. Synthesis and surface plasmonic properties of ultra-thick silver nanowires, Jiaojiao Hua, Fan Wu, Fengru Fan, Wenhui Wang, Xu, Zhongfeng, Fuli Li, 2016-06-29, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter

15. Angular distributions of differential X-ray production cross sections for Cu and Ta in photoionization, Xing Wang, Zhongfeng Xu, Lin Cheng, 2016-05-01, Radiation Physics and Chemistry

16. Study of the angular distribution of W-L X-ray intensity ratios in photoionization, Xing Wang, Zhongfeng Xu, Limin Zhang, 2016-03-10, Modern Physics Letters B

17. Bromide (Br)-Based Synthesis of Ag Nanocubes with High-Yield, Fan Wu, Wenhui Wang, Zhongfeng Xu, 2015-06-09, Scientific Reports

18. L X-ray intensity ratios for high Z elements induced with X-ray tube, Xing Wang, Zhongfeng Xu, 2015-03-28, Radiation Physics and Chemistry

19. Angular distribution of differential cross-section of fluorescence L X-rays in tungsten by photon, Zhang Limin, Wang Xing, Xu Zhongfeng, 2014-12-01, Journal of Applied Optics

20. Angular distribution of L X-ray emission from tungsten following photoionization, Xing Wang, Zhongfeng Xu, 2014-05-31, Radiation Physics and Chemistry

21. Electron emission from tungsten surface induced by neon ions, Zhongfeng Xu, Lixia Zeng, 2014-03-01, Journal of Physics: Conference Series

22. 银三角纳米粒子的制备及其稳定性的研究, 冯雪红,冯选旗,徐忠锋, 2014-01-02, 光子学报

23. Anisotropic deformation of Au nanoparticles by highly charged ion Xe21+ irradiation, Xueliang Liu, Zhongfeng Xu, 2013-09-23, Physica Scripta

24. Contribution from recoiling atoms in secondary electron emission induced by slow highly charged ions from tungsten surface, Lixia Zeng, Zhongfeng Xu, 2012-06-26, Laser and Particle Beams

25. Charge effect in secondary electron emission from silicon, ZHONGFENG XU, LIXIA ZENG, YONGTAO ZHAO, et al., 2012-06-01, Laser and Particle Beams

26. α-Al2O3纳米粉体的烧结行为, 刘浩,徐忠峰, 2012-06-01, 东北师大学报

27. K shell hyper-satellite lines of Cu induced by 300MeV/u C ions, Zhao Yongtao, Zhou Xianming,…Xu Zhongfeng, 2012-03-01, Journal of Physics: Conference Series

28. 大功率半导体激光器贴片层空洞热效应影响, 丁晓尘,张普,熊玲玲,欧翔,李小宁,徐忠锋, 2011-09-01, 中国激光

29. X-ray emission of Xe30+ ion beam impacting on Au target, Xiaoan Zhang, Yongtao Zhao,…Zhongfeng Xu, 2011-04-05, Laser and Particle Beams

30. 反冲原子对低速离子轰击Si表面时电子发射产额的影响, 王建国, 徐忠锋(通讯作者), , 2010-11-01, 物理学报

31. 文科物理课程的内容设置与教学方法改革, 王小力,李宏荣,徐忠锋等, 2010-09-01, 中国大学教学

32. Size modification of Au nanoparticles induced by slow highly charged ions 40Arq+ irradiation, Zhong-feng Xu, Yong-tao Zhao, etc., 2009-07-01, J. Non-Cryst. Solids

33. An outlook of heavy ion driven plasma research at IMP-Lanzhou, Yongtao Zhao, Guoqing Xiao, …, Zhongfeng Xu, etc.,, 2009-06-01, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B

34. 不同能量的高电荷态Ar12+离子辐照对金纳米颗粒尺寸的影响, 徐忠锋,刘丽莉,, 2009-06-01, 物理学报

35. Slow highly charged ion O4+ induced electron emission from clean solid surfaces, XU Zhong-Feng, ZHAO Yong-Tao, et al, 2008-10-01, Chinese Physics C

36. 三体核力重排项的同位旋效应, 左维,徐忠锋, 2007-12-01, 物理学报

37. 高电荷态离子40Arq+Si表面作用中的电子发射产额, 赵永涛,肖国青,徐忠锋等, 2007-12-01, 物理学报

38. 深化大学物理课程多媒体教学的改革与实践, 徐忠锋,王小力,张孝林等, 2007-11-05, 中国大学教学

39. Analysis of three coupled defects in one- dimensional photonic bandgap structure, Liu Dandong,Chen Guangde,Xu Zhongfeng, 2006-12-01, Chinese Physics Letters

40. DBHF方法和热力学自洽性, 罗培燕,左维,李增花,雍高产,徐忠锋, 2006-12-01, 高能物理与核物理

41. 坚持先进的教育理念 构建物理实验教学新体系, 王红理,陈光德,张孝林,徐忠锋等, 2006-11-09, 实验室研究与探索

42. Study of the optical properties of ZnO thin films prepared by laser molecular beam epitaxy, Xu Zhongfeng, Ju Kairu, Xu Qing’an, 2006-06-01, Proc. of SPIE


