






性别 学历 博士
学位 博士 职称 教授
部门 西安交通大学 单位 航天学院
联系方式 shangfl@mail.xjtu.edu.cn




地址 陕西省西安市咸宁西路28






尚福林,男,汉族,1970年出生于陕西延长。19927月获得西安交通大学工程力学专业学士学位,19966月获得西安交通大学固体力学专业博士学位。19966月至20001月在国家电力西安热工研究院工作,先后任工程师、高级工程师;20002月至20019月获德国洪堡基金会资助,在德国弗赖伯格工业大学(TU Bergakademie Freiberg)任洪堡学者;200110月至20027月在国家电力西安热工研究院工作,任高级工程师、材料技术中心副总工程师;20028月至20048月获日本学术振兴会资助,在日本京都大学任JSPS特别研究员;20048月至20058月在日本京都大学工作,任COE研究员。20058月被聘为西安交通大学航天航空学院工程力学系教授、博士生导师,在该校任教至今。200611月至20096月担任工程力学系主任。2008年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才。主要从事固体力学、微小材料与结构强度学领域的基础研究,目前主要开展塑性力学、复合材料力学、断裂力学、薄膜/涂层力学、计算材料力学等领域研究;同时开展航天航空复合材料结构强度、金属材料与机械结构强度、机械结构安全性评定和使用寿命管理等方面的应用研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目/联合基金项目5项、教育部博士点基金1项、教育部人才项目2项、以及来自航天等研究单位或企业等合作课题多项。在J. Applied Physics, Europhysics Letters, Chinese Physics Letters, Int. J. Plasticity, Int. J. Solids Structures, Int. J. Fracture, Eng. Fract. Mech., Mat. Sci. Eng. A, Surf. Coat. Tech., Comput. Mater. Sci., J. Mater Res., Int. J. Mech. Sci., Composite Structures, Mechanics of Materials等国内外学术期刊发表论文约90篇,国际会议论文30余篇。提交研究技术报告20余篇。部分成果被写入3部学术专著。编写出版了《塑性力学基础》(2011年第1版,2015年第2版,2018年第3版)、《弹性力学》第2版(王子昆、黄上恒、尚福林,2019年)。









2002.8—2005.8,日本京都大学,日本学术振兴会JSPS特别研究员, COE研究员;








1. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划《半导体集成化芯片系统基础研究》之面上项目,微结构中界面强度的测试与评价,项目批准号:9060701320067月-200812月,项目负责人;

2. 教育部新世纪人才项目,热障涂层材料强度诸问题的实验测试与原子尺度计算研究,项目批准号:NCET-08-044520091月-201112月,项目负责人;

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,微纳尺寸单晶金属的应变强化与应变突变现象研究,项目批准号:1127224320131月-201612月,项目负责人;

4. 国家自然科学基NSAF联合基金,基于微结构演化的金属材料物理型塑性本构模型研究,项目批准号:U133011620141月-201612月,项目负责人;

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“微小特征尺度塑性变形的二阶功理论研究”,项目批准号:1167222020171月-202012月,项目负责人;

6. 西安空间无线电技术研究所合作项目,“XXX”,2015年-2016年,项目负责人;

7. 西安空间无线电技术研究所合作项目,“XXX”,2017年-2019年,项目负责人;

8. 西安航天动力技术研究所,“XXX”,2018年-2020年,项目负责人;

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“辐照前后GaN材料塑性变形、摩擦与磨损行为的再研究”,项目批准号:1207224820211月-202412月,项目负责人;


1. F. Shang, Z. Wang, Z. Li. Thermal stresses analysis of a three-dimensional crack in a thermopiezoelectric solid. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 55(5): 737-750, 1996.

2. F. Shang, Z. Wang, Z. Li. Thermally induced cylindrical flexure of the laminated plates with piezoelectric layers, Journal: Composite Part B: Engineering, 28B: 185-193, 1997.

3. F. Shang, M. Kuna, M. Scherzer. Analytical solutions for two penny-shaped crack problems in thermo-piezoelectric materials and their finite element comparisons. International Journal of Fracture, 117: 113-128, 2002.

4. F. Shang, M. Kuna, M. Scherzer. Development of finite element techniques for three-dimensional analyses of thermopiezoelectric materials. Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 125: 18-21, 2003.

5. F. Shang, M. Kuna, M. Abendroth. Finite element analyses of three-dimensional crack problems in piezoelectric structures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 70: 143-160, 2003.

6. F. Shang, T. Kitamura, H. Hirakata, I. Kanno, H. Kotera, K. Terada. Experimental and theoretical investigations of delamination at free edge of interface between piezoelectric thin films on a substrate. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42(5-6): 1729-1741, 2005.

7. 尚福林, 北村隆行. 界面裂纹萌生与扩展的分子动力学模拟. 力学学报,2007年,39卷第4(中文)571-576.

8. 尚福林,北村隆行,平方宽之. 微纳米材料及其结构的界面强度的实验研究,力学进展,2008, 38(4): 445-460.

9. Y. Yan, F. Shang. Cohesive zone modeling of interfacial delamination of PZT thin films. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46 (13): 2739–2749, 2009.

10. Pengfei Zhao, Fulin Shang, Yabin Yan, T.Kitamura, Reinvestigation of the effect of plasticity on delamination process of Si/Cu interface in a ductile nano-cantileverInt J Fracture 161: 65-78, 2010

11. 闫亚宾, 尚福林PZT薄膜界面分层破坏的内聚力模拟,中国科学G辑,2009, 39(7): 1007-1017

12. 尚福林,郭显聪,北村隆行,梅野宜崇,纳米材料力学行为的原子尺度模拟研究,力学进展, 2010年,40(3): 263-283.

13. P.F. Zhao, C.A. Sun, X.Y. Zhu, F.L. Shang, C.J. Li. Fracture toughness measurements of plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings using a modified four-point bending method. Surface & Coatings Technology 204: 4066–4074, 2010.

14. 尚福林王子 编著,塑性力学基础,西安交通大学出版社,20113.

15. X.C. Guo, F.L. Shang. Reinvestigation of the tensile strength and fracture property of Ni(1 1 1)/a-Al2O3 (0 0 0 1) interfaces by first-principle calculations. Computational Materials Science 50(5): 1711-1716, 2011.

16. P.F. Zhao, X.D. Li, F.L. Shang, C.J. Li, Interlamellar cracking of thermal barrier coatings with TGOs by non-standard four-point bending tests, Materials Science and Engineering A 528: 7641– 7647, 2011.

17. Y.B. Yan, T. Sumigawa, F.L. Shang, T. Kitamura. Cohesive zone criterion for cracking along the Cu/Si interface in nanoscale components. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78: 2935–2946, 2011.

18. X.C. Guo, F.L. Shang. Shear strength and sliding behavior of Ni/Al2O3 interfaces: a first-principle study. Journal of Materials Research, 27(9): 1237–1244, 2012.

19. X. Zhang, B. Pan, F.L. Shang. Scale-free behavior of displacement burst: lower limit and scaling exponent. Europhysics Letters, 2012, 100: 16005-p1-p6.

20. Bo Pan, Jun Lu, Fulin Shang. Frequency analysis of nonlinear free vibration of a cross string. Nonlinear Dynamics, 72(4): 717-728, 2013.

21. Xiancong Guo, Zeying Bao, Fulin Shang. Mixed-mode mechanical responses of Ni(111)/α-Al2O3 (0001) interface by first-principle calculations. J Materials Research, 28(21): 3018-3028, 2013.

22. Xu Zhang, Fulin Shang, A continuum model for intermittent deformation of single crystal micropillars, Int J Solids and Structures 51: 1859–1871, 2014.

23. Xu Zhang, Fulin Shang, Study on the burst time duration in micropillar deformation, Chinese Physics Letters, 31(2): 026401, p.1-p.4, 2014.

24. FL Shang, X Zhang, XC Guo, PF Zhao, Y Chang. Determination of high-temperature mechanical properties of thermal barrier coatings by nanoindentation. Surface Engineering, 30: 283-289, 2014.

25. Xu Zhang, Fulin Shang, Yong Yu, Yabin Yan, Shunping Yan. A stochastic model for temporal aspects of flow intermittency in micropillar compression. Int J Solids Structures 51: 4519-4530, 2014.

26. 包泽赢,郭显聪,尚福林,基于第一原理研究含活性元素YNi/Al2O3界面拉伸强度和断裂特性,中国科学G辑,2015, 45: 024601.

27. Bo Pan, Yoji Shibutani, Xu Zhang, Fulin Shang. Effect of dislocation pile-up on size-dependent yield strength in finite single-crystal micro-samples. J. Appl. Phys. 118, 014305 (2015).

28. 尚福林,王子昆,塑性力学基础(第1版, 2011.3; 2版,2015.7),西安交通大学出版社.

29. Xu Zhang, Xiangcheng Zhang, Fulin Shang, Qian Li, Second-order work and strain burst in single-crystalline micropillar plasticity, Int. J. Plasticity, 2016, 77: 192-213.

30. 瑜,王辉,邵振威,杨增钦,尚福林,侯德门,耿洪滨,吕刚. CFRP管件的弯曲蠕变行为试验研究,深空探测学报, 2017, Vol.4 (4): 346-354.

31. Huili Guo, Xu Zhang, Fulin Shang, Bo Pan, Takashi Sumigawa. A modified single-arm source model for the size-dependent strain-hardening behavior of metallic micropillars. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 133 (2017) 438–448.

32. Yu Qian, Fulin Shang, Qiang Wan, Yabin Yan. Compression-induced phase transition of GaN bulk from wurtzite phase to five-fold coordination hexagonal phase. AIP Advances 7, 095312 (2017).

33. Yu Qian, Fulin Shang, Qiang Wan, Yabin Yan. The mechanism of plastic deformation in intact and irradiated GaN during indentation: A molecular dynamics study. Computational Materials Science 149 (2018) 230–242.

34. Zengqin Yang, Hui Wang, Xiaofei Ma, Fulin Shang, Yu Ma, Zhenwei Shao, Demen Hou. Flexural creep tests and long-term mechanical behavior of fiber-reinforced polymeric composite tubes. Composite Structures 193 (2018) 154–164.

35. 罗静,张旭,郭惠丽,尚福林.位移加载条件下微小尺寸单晶金属的应变突变模型及其间歇性塑性变形行为研究.固体力学学报,2018,39(05):482-491.

36. 李力,黄哲峰,杨增钦,尚福林,侯德门.基于三维Puck 失效准则及唯象模量退化的复合材料臂杆屈曲分析.复合材料学报,2019, 36(2): 304-314.

37. Yu Qian, Fulin Shang, Qiang Wan, Yabin Yan. A molecular dynamics study on indentation response of single crystalline wurtzite GaN. Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 115102 (2018).

38. Yu Qian, Fulin Shang, Qiang Wan, Yabin Yan. Dependence of tribological behavior of GaN crystal on loading direction: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Applied Physics, 126 (2019) 075108.

39. Huili Guo, Fulin Shang, Yongmei Zhang, Zhaoyang Tian, Yan Chen, Yong Yu, Shunping Yan, Yabin Yan, Microstructural evolution and strain hardening rule for V-5Cr-5Ti alloy, Fusion Engineering and Design, 162 (2021) 112113.

40. 黄敏杰,马利锋,尚福林,基于等效特征应变原理的复合材料有效模量细观力学分析,固体力学学报, 2022, 43(3): 271-283.

41. 杨江艳,马小飞,王辉,尚福林,侯德门,考虑物理老化效应的树脂基复合材料长时黏弹性变形实验测试与建模分析,复合材料学报,202239(10): 4997-5007.

42. Jiangyan Yang, Xiaofei Ma, Hui Wang, Fulin Shang, Demen Hou, Characterization of nonlinear viscoelastic behaviors of CF/EP laminates with consideration to physical aging effect under thermo-mechanical loading. Mechanics of Materials, 2023, 180, 104615.

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