






性别 学历 博士
学位 博士 职称 副教授
部门 西安交通大学 单位 管理学院
联系方式 dongny@xjtu.edu.cn


1. 2020-1至现在, 西安交通大学, 管理学院, 副教授

2. 2010-62019-12, 西安交通大学, 管理学院, 讲师

3. 2001-72003-8, 煤炭科学研究总院西安研究院, 财务处, 助理会计师


1. 会计信息

2. 绩效管理

3. 财会人才培养

4. 公司治理


1. 全国哲学社会科学工作办公室,一般项目,21BGL280,数智时代我国高端会计人才供需画像与培养研究,20万元,2021-072024-06,在研,主持

2. 财政部预算评审中心,大数据应用于预算绩效评价的探索研究,2021-042021-1215万元,第一参与人。

3. 教育部,产学合作协同育人项目,内部控制与风险管理课程教改项目,2021-092022-08,在研,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,71302146,管理层业绩预告及其对盈余质量和审计师谨慎性的影响,2014-012016-1222万元,已结题,主持

5. 教育部博士点基金委员会,新教师类,20110201120016,大股东控制、审计委员会治理与审计质量生产效率的关系研究,2012-012014-124万元,已结题,主持。


[1] Nanyan Dong, Yige Jin, Peiyu Ou, Junrui Zhang. Human resource quality and firm performance: the role of education in China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2022, 1-22.

[2] Yige Jin, Nanyan Dong(*), Gaoliang Tian, Junrui Zhang. Wisdom of the masses: Employee education and corporate risk taking. Economic Modelling, 2023. 118, 106102.

[3] Shuolei Xu, Fangjun Wang(*), Charles P. Cullinan, Nanyan Dong. Corporate Tax Avoidance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Readability: Evidence from China. Australian Accounting Review, 2022. Online

[4] Nanyan Dong(*), Yingchun Xiang, Long Zhang, Qian Zhao, Yuyuan Tang. Human Resource Quality and Value of Cash Holdings in Chinese Listed Firms. The Journal of Developing Areas, 2022, 56(1): 107-115.

[5] Nanyan Dong(*), Fangjun Wang, Junrui Zhang. Voluntary Management Earnings Forecasts and Value Relevance in Financial Reports. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2021, 57(9): 2478-2502.

[6] Farman Ullah Khan, Junrui Zhang, Nanyan Dong, Muhammad Usman(*), Sajid Ullah, Shahid Ali. Does privatization matter for corporate social responsibility? Evidence from China. Eurasian Business Review, 2021,11(3): 497-515.

[7] Nanyan Dong, Fangjun Wang(*), Junrui Zhang, Jian Zhou. Ownership Structure and Real Earnings Management: Evidence from China. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2020, 39(3): 106733.

[8] Nanyan Dong, Meng Bai(*), He Zhang, Junrui Zhang. Approaches to learning IFRS by Chinese Accounting Students. Journal of Accounting Education, 2019,48: 1-11.

[9] Ma Chen, Bin Li(*), Nanyan Dong. Do Chinese listed firms actively alter the design of pay-performance sensitivity following financial restatement?. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2019,26(4): 382-408.

[10] Usman Muhammad, Farooq Muhammad Umar, Zhang, Junrui, Dong Nanyan(*), Makki Muhammad Abdul Majid. Women on Boards and CEO Pay-Performance Link. International Journal of Manpower, 2019,40(7): 1171-1200.

[11] Usman, Muhammad, Zhang Junrui, Farooq Muhammad Umar, Makki Muhammad Abdul Majid, Dong Nanyan(*). Female directors and CEO power, Economics Letters, 2018,165: 44-47.


[13] 张俊瑞,苏洋,董南雁.商誉后续计量的混合模式探索[J].西安交通大学学报(社会科学版),2021,41(06):36-44.

[14] 张俊瑞,苏洋,董南雁.基于二元目标定位的财务报告概念框架透视[J].会计之友,2020(14):10-15.

[15] 董南雁,张俊瑞,苏洋.我国国际化会计人才的概念框架、培养模式与质量提升[J].会计研究,2020(01):38-48.

[16] 董南雁,梁巧妮,林青.管理层业绩预告策略与隐含资本成本[J].南开管理评论,2017,20(02):45-57.


